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Fleas, those tiny, wingless parasites, thrive on the blood of mammals and birds. Measuring only about 1-3 mm in length, their flattened bodies facilitate easy movement through the fur or feathers of their hosts.
These pests frequently infest dogs and cats, triggering itching, irritation, and potentially severe health issues. Flea bites on humans can also lead to discomfort and allergic reactions. Preventing and addressing flea infestations requires proactive measures such as regular pet grooming, utilizing flea prevention products, and maintaining cleanliness indoors and outdoors.
Fleas rely on blood for their survival and reproduction, with the ability to consume up to 15 times their body weight in a single feeding. Adult fleas typically have a short lifespan of a few days to a couple of weeks without a blood meal.
While fleas primarily feed on the blood of their hosts, they do not permanently reside on or within the host's body. Instead, they commonly infest the host's surroundings, such as bedding or carpets, and jump onto the host for feeding. As a result, effective flea control strategies often entail treating both the host and their environment to eradicate infestations thoroughly.
In Florida, several species of fleas can be found, including:
In Florida, these are the primary species of fleas found, with the cat flea being the most prevalent and problematic for pet owners. Understanding the different species and their habits can help in implementing effective flea control measures.
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Coastal Lawn and Pest Service is a full-service pest control business with over 30 years experience. We offer effective and reliable services to our customers with cutting-edge techniques and superior customer service. Give us a call to schedule a free inspection.
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18510 Montour Dr, Hudson, FL, 34667
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